Monday, August 13, 2007

Management vs Derivative

Mangement is someone depends on working level. I think mangement is more or less a derivative. My rationale:

They are derivatives as they must be relied on underlying working level to position themselves. Imagine the analogy of a call, it cant be priced without the stock price/underlying asset movement. ie. A manager cannot be a manger without working level.

They are derivatives because they are much volatile than the underlying asset. In some sense, they are leveraging the company resource and working level to implement their great ideas. ie the beta of a derivative must be larger the underlying asset and the risk of being a Management is not small.

They are derivatives because theoretically they can be replicated (replaced) dynamically by underlying asset ! ie. They want to control because they dont know anything or afraid of being replicated.

Stretching to the limit, what if a market/ company having derivatives trading much more than underlying asset ? Bubble will burst.

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